My work embodies a desire to name, reconfigure, and manifest undesirable conditions. I explore experiences that underline our emotional and physical development. Combining an intuitive and analytical thought process, I balance visual environments of turbulence — each image is based on crumbling architecture and playful gestures. These gestures capture the rhythm of cause and effect, creating a new narratives of events.
My process begins with the intentional selection of visual elements from pre-constructed objects. These elements are often related to themes of personal significance such as daily observations, personal mementos, and space-age aesthetics. By isolating and manipulating different images, I obscure them from their original meaning, and use them to reconstruct visual landscapes with new connotations. These new interpretations are always visually interconnected with the original references, alluding to the non-linear path of growth and the fragmented nature of what initially appear to be integrated experiences.